

Faculty of Education, Masaryk University
Poříčí 31 Brno

The meeting traditionally strives to support interdisciplinary debate and explore various approaches to history of mathematics. Therefore, we offer wide time slots and breaks for the discussion.

Thursday 13 June 2024

9:30–10:00 Welcome and introduction to the theme

10:00–10:45 Martin Pavlíček (UHK, Hradec Králové)
Rovnostranný trojúhelník & barokní architektura
(Equilateral triangle and baroque architecture)

10:45–11:30 Adéla Svobodová (MU Brno)
Geometrical imagery in the work of Martianus Capella

11:30 coffee

12:00–12:45 Petra Antošová (MU Brno)
Immortal geometric problems for Czechoslovak pupils

12:45–13:30 Jakub Novák (MU Brno)
How can be sextant useful in the 21st century?

13:30 lunch

15:30–16:30 Invited lecture: Eva Bendová (TU Liberec) and Michal Plavec (NTM Prague)
Airport Layout. Geometry as a key Science in Airport Design during
the first half of 20th Century

16:30 coffee

17:00–17:45 Václav Votoupal (VSB–TU Ostrava)
Rudolf Skuherský (1828–1863): první profesor deskriptivní geometrie na pražské polytechnic (the first professor of Descriptive Geometry at the Prague Polytechnic)

17:45–18:30 Jan Kotůlek (VSB–TU Ostrava)
Cooperation of Czech geometers and engineers in mining and geology

19:30 joint dinner

Friday 14 June 2024

9:30 Coffee

10:00–11:00Invited lecture: Tilman Sauer (JGU Mainz)
The fourdimensional geometry of Hermann Minkowski

11:00 coffee

11:30–12:15 Emil Simeonov (FH Technikum Wien)
Some issues in primary school mathematics

12:15–13:00 Helena Durnová (MU Brno)
The Paths of Geometry into the Teaching of Mathematics

13:00 closing remarks and lunch

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